The Camden Town Murder 1907
As any family history researcher will tell you, one day you may come across something unexpected in the course of your researches. To clarify – not necessarily a joyful event, but one which could carry the label “the skeleton in the cupboard” meaning that someone has a dark or embarrassing secret about their past that they would prefer to remain undisclosed.
One of my relatives, Robert Cavers Wood 1877-1966 was just such a person.
In 1907, aged 30, he stood trial at the Old Bailey for the murder of Emily Dimmock, a prostitute, and was acquitted. The case received extraordinary publicity at the time, partly because my great uncle was defended by Sir Edward Marshall Hall QC, a very well known barrister of that time.
I have no intention of providing an account of that trial, nor of the events which led up to it, or afterwards, because all the information is out there in print, already. The whole story is bedevilled by peoples’ beliefs and opinions, rather than hard facts, and there are all too few of those in the Camden Town Murder.
What I will say is this: I am probably the last person alive, who can say that they knew Robert Wood (“Bob” to his family). From childhood onward, and until my Uncle Bob died in 1966, when I was 24, I can say that he and his wife were a part of the Wood family life.
Twenty-five years after I first began to work on my family history, I have at last decided to ‘come clean’ on this score. My reticence is perhaps understandable: this is a ‘mega’ skeleton. So much so, that even now, books are still being published about the Camden Town Murder. [You will find a bibliography at the end of this essay – as complete as I can make it – numbering 20 items.]
What I find so extraordinary, even now, in my eighty-first year, is how the Wood family kept this awful secret to themselves. In later years, those who must have been “in the know” were Robert Wood’s brother, Charles Carlyle Wood and his wife Bessie McLeod Wood. My father, also Robert Wood (probably named for his uncle) was only two years old at the time, and his sister Irene Wood a newborn baby. However I am certain that my father would have grown up with the knowledge of the trial and acquittal, although he never divulged this knowledge to my mother, whom he married in 1935. My father died in 1968. It is possible that, at some point, before he died, my father would have made his sister a party to her uncle’s past.
But his sister, my beloved Aunt Rene, may have come to this knowledge in a different way. Charles Wood, her father, my grandfather, was the proof reader and editor of a number of Sir Winston Churchill’s later books [A biography of Marlborough, A History of the English Speaking peoples; The History of the Second World War]. Sir Martin Gilbert, in a footnote to his biography of Sir Winston Churchill, referred to my grandfather as “the brother of the Camden Town murderer”.
Unsurprisingly, my aunt took exception to this, when she discovered it. When my husband and I were sorting through all her papers, after she died in 1985, we came across a letter she had written to Martin Gilbert on this matter [1977]. I also wrote to Martin Gilbert, to inform him of my Aunt’s death, and received a very courteous reply on the subject of the unfortunate footnote, which was subsequently removed from later editions of the work.
But at first I had no idea what all this was about – it came as a great shock to me. I soon questioned my mother, only to find that she too had no idea.
Not long after, the BBC produced a TV programme on the subject of the Camden Town Murder. We sat down to watch, and I had the uncomfortable experience of watching actors represent various members of my family.
In my list of books about the Camden Town Murder, you will find a column labelled “Yes; No; Maybe”. This refers to the opinions of the authors, where one is given. So I will leave you, my readers to make up your own minds.
But for me, John Rowland “Murder Mistaken: an analysis of two murders” 1963 expresses a feeling that I too can share. “If he is still alive [he was then] Robert Wood will be 84 years of age....if so, he will be one of those who, in spite of his foolish behaviour in youth, has managed, in old age, to overcome the terrible handicaps of a mistaken accusation of murder.”
Guilty / Not Guilty
yes: no: maybe
Letter from the accused to his brother 12.12.1907 “”I have done no grievous wrong…”
The Camden Town Murder: The Life & Death of Emily Dimmock
Mandrake Oxford 2007
p.175 Almost 100 years later Robert Wood remains the prime suspect and in the mind of the author, guilty of the murder of Emily Dimmock.
The Camden Town Murder Mystery
Orsam Books 2014
p.305 It is only because of the lies told after his arrest, along with his attempt to construct a false alibi with Ruby beforehand, that Wood remains the prime suspect today, despite his acquittal by a jury.
Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed
Little, Brown 2002
References: Wood, Robert 287-88; 295,299
Cornwell puts Walter Sickert in the frame…
Six Trials
Victor Gollancz 1934
Excerpt: Rex versus Robert Wood
p. 283 The case depended entirely upon circumstantial and presumptive evidence, and it behoved the jury to be very careful before they accepted such evidence and condemned a man to death on it.
Scarlet and Ermine: famous trials as I saw them
William Kimber 1960 Out of print
Excerpt: chapter V1 The Artist who sketched His Judge
The writer did not consider RW as guilty.
Posts-Mortem: The Correspondence of Murder
David & Charles 1971
Chapter V1 Rising Sun
p.62 No one would deny that – whether innocent as the jury at his trial decided, or guilty as most students of the case believe – Robert Wood certainly deserved to be hanged for the murder of Phyllis Dimmock in 1907.
Not Guilty M’Lord
Cassell 1939
Excerpt: Chapter XIII The Camden Town Murder
No conclusion offered.
Basil ed.
Trial of Robert Wood: the Camden Town Case. [Notable British Trials ] William Hodge 1936
p.52 “the reader must evolve his own solution…”
Hooke N W
& Gil Thomas
Nina Warner
Marshall Hall
Arthur Barker 1966
Chapter VII
p.134 One can theorise indefinitely but in the end one is thrown back on the fact that, circumstantial though it was, the Crown’s case against Wood was defeated only by the exceptional brilliance of the defence put up by Marshall Hall.
Guy B H
Great Murder Mysteries
Stanley Paul 1931
Chapter III A Camden Town Mystery
No conclusion offered.
Defender’s Triumph
p.81 Marshall Hall defends Robert Wood
Pan Books 1951
Foreword: This is a book about four murder trials, in each of which the prisoner was acquitted. I do not suggest that any of them should have been convicted. I do suggest that all of them would have been convicted had they not been shielded by remarkable defenders.
The Life of Sir Edward Marshall Hall
Macmillan 1930
p.223 Marshall Hall “This is the greatest case I’ve ever had in my life….The man’s innocent, and a chance idea may mean life or death to him”
For the Defence: The Life of Sir Edward Marshall Hall
Excerpt: Chapter VIII Recovery Macmillan 1947
see above
Sir David
The Camden Town Murder
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1987
p.148 “who, indeed, did kill Emily Dimmock? Did this trial effectively settle Wood’s innocence for all time?”
Unsolved Murders in Victorian & Edwardian London
Wharncliffe Books 2007
Excerpt: Did Robert Wood kill Phyllis Dimmock? 1907
Quoting Inspector Neil “Although we must abide by the Jury’s decision, there is no moral doubt that Wood was guilty of the murder”.
Murder Mistaken: an analysis of two unsolved murders
John Long 1963
Part One: The Rising Sun Case
p.112 If he is still alive [1963] Robert Wood will be eighty-four years of age...if so, he will be one of those who, in spite of his foolish behaviour in youth, has managed, in old age, to overcome the terrible handicaps of a mistaken accusation for murder.
Marshall Hall: a law unto himself
Wildy, Simmonds & Hill 2016
p.124 Marshall himself in later life said that he thought Wood was guilty. p.125…”we are unlikely ever to be sure beyond a reasonable doubt”
The National Archives
The Trial Of Robert Wood
Murder of Emily Elizabeth Dimmock MEPO 3/182
William Roughead’s Chronicles of Murder
Lochar Publications 1991
Letters of Henry James to William Roughead p.164
An indirect reference to the Camden Town Murder of 1907.
The Postcard Murder: a judge’s tale
Pilot Productions 2019
p.254 “I still come to the conclusion…that it would be a perverse Jury who would today acquit Wood of the murder of Phyllis Dimmock”